A startling statistic from a UK urologist

“A few months ago at work we had an update from one of the local urologists who brought along a very startling statistic that 50% of men under-50 years of age coming into the urology clinic with perineal pain (the area between the anus and penis) are cyclists… that’s potentially  a significant proportion of his work load.”

James A. Gill M.D, doctors.org.uk and ‘The Titanium Geek’

“Then, probably because I was aware of it, I came across several young patients as the practice with perineal and prostate issues, which seemed to be irritated by cycling. The issue for me though, was that I wasn’t able to confidently recommend, from a medical perspective, any particular saddles or solutions – just saying “Dont bike for 6 months” didnt really seem to cut it either!””RIDO have looked at specifically producing a saddle for people who may already have issues, or problems down below, and then worked backwards from there to give the R2 saddle.

“Using the saddle is initially a bit of an odd experience. You feel quite high initially, which results in a little tweaking. But it is so comfortable. The only way of comparing it is like sitting on a sofa – possibly as it also feels very wide. By keeping the nose, you retain good cornering control over the bike – I’ve had lots of conversations before with people saying that they feel like they are falling off noseless saddles like the Adamo. You certainly feel in a different position on the bike.

“I did a 65Km test ride with a friend and swapped bikes half way round for a short section – WOW, he was on a Prologo – I think a Navo, I was very pleased to swap back. By comparison it felt like I was riding a razorblade!!!

Riding the bike attached to the turbo, you dont move around as much as when outdoors. Because of that very fixed position for long periods of time, I have previously noticed some discomfort. After tweaking the Rido 2 position again, I can say it was a very comfortable (Zwift) ride. No numbness at all.”

Dr James Gill is a medical doctor in the UK who last year set up a sports/medicine/technology blog following a cycling accident. As the blog has grown over the last year, it broke 80,000 monthly hits in January 2016. Dr Gill believes that one of the reasons behind this growth in readership is likely to be the honest nature of the reviews, combined with relevant medical health information articles.
Prior to writing this article he had seen a few cyclists and patients with prostatitis and had been asked if he could recommend any changes.

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